Our Mission
What We Do
Emergency Shelter
The Schoen Greenhouse
Mulberry Farm & Food

Meet Tinesha
The Other Side: Tinesha. Before entering the Shelter, Tinesha was employed as a certified nurse’s aide and was determined to carve out a successful future for herself. But when a cascade of obstacles hit her all at once, she found herself getting farther and farther from the path she had planned for herself. Her breaking point was a financial stressor that many of us fear: car failure. This costly and frustrating barrier caused her to step away from work, essentially collapsing the foundation she had spent her early adulthood building up.
Despite facing these challenges, Tinesha remained determined. After six months away from work, she found the strength to turn to our emergency shelter for housing and support. Upon stepping through our doors, Tinesha made a conscious decision to immerse herself in the various opportunities for growth and empowerment offered at CISS. In a short span of time, her progress was evident, leading to a successful transition from the emergency shelter to one of our single-unit efficiency apartments.